斯科特Darveau, Ph.D.

Professor, Physical 化学

办公室: 黑洞 216   |    电话: (308) 865-8491   |    电子邮件: darveausa@sdkfzj.com



我在内布拉斯加州大学林肯分校学习化学,在那里我第一次对物理化学感兴趣. Craig Eckhardt,测量了一对相关双分子有机金属复合物单晶的镜面反射光谱. 我继续在芝加哥大学攻读物理化学硕士学位. 斯蒂芬·贝瑞. 在他的小组里,我研究了测量原子碰撞过程的高真空系统,包括彭宁分离和受激原子的电子超弹性散射. 1997年,我开始在365体育教授各种课程并进行研究. 我早期的工作集中在教学实验室的激光应用. Dr. 克里斯·埃克斯特罗姆和我从2002年左右开始合作研究,我们的研究主要集中在纳米材料及其应用上,主要作为太阳能光伏电池的吸收剂,也用于传感器和其他材料. I have been privileged to serve as department chair since 2011.

Ph.D., Physical 化学, University of Chicago, 1998
B.S., 化学, University of Nebraska Lincoln, 1992

年度杰出荣誉教师,365体育 2006

Recent Courses
General 化学 and Labs (Chem 160, 160L, 161, 161L)
Physical 化学 (Chem 480, Chem 481)
Advanced 化学 Lab (Chem 490L, Chem 491L)

Recent Publications

  • 化学溶液法制备水合氧化钨硒化制备WSe2薄膜,埃克斯特罗姆,C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Falconer, M.E.*; Blum, J.R.*; Colling, W.M.*; Ianno N.J. (2018), 夫人的进步, 3(56), 3281-3286.
  •  一种用纳米晶前驱体生长WSe2薄膜的低温制备方法.埃克斯特罗姆,C.在达尔沃,S. A.埃德加. S.库里,C. J.汉拉汉,M. P.,马,Q.希尔菲克,M.艾迪格,A.纽约州,纽约州. J. (2016). 夫人的进步, 1(41), 2821-2826.  doi: 10.1557 /人.2016.437
  •  “HiPIMS或DC溅射制备CIGS薄膜及各种硒化工艺”,“Olejnič埃克, J.; Hubička, Z.; Kšírová, P.; Kment, Š; Brunclíková, M.; Kohout, M.; Čada, M.; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L., Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 2013, 16, 314-319.
  •  “锌合金铁黄铁矿纳米晶体的带隙增宽”,Mao, B.; Dong, Q.; Xiao, Z.; Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Webber, T.E.*; Lund, B.D.*; Huang, H.; Kang, Z.; Huang, J., Journal of Materials 化学 A, 2013, 1, 12060-12065.
  • “Air Sensitive, Photosensitive, 光伏应用的纯相黄铁矿纳米晶薄膜,” Bi, Y.; Yuan, Y.; Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Huang, J. 纳米快报, 11, 4953-4957 (2011).
  • “立方寸1-xAlxS2 金属前驱体的硫化制备薄膜,Olejníček, J.; Slaymaker, L.E.; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L.; Kment, Š.; Prabukanthan, P.; Ianno, N.J.; Soukup, R.J. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509, 10020-10024, 2011.
  • “Properties of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 喷涂镀铜快速热退火制备薄膜1-xGaxS2 and Se,” Slaymaker, L.E.; Hoffman, N.M.; Ingersoll, M.A.; Jensen, M.R.; Olejníček, J.; Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Soukup, R.J.; Ianno, N.J.; Sarkar, A.; Kment, Š., Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 2011, 1324, doi: 10.1557 / opl.2011.1152
  • “Thermoelectric Properties of p-type CuInSe2 Chalcopyrites Enhanced by Introduction of Manganese,” Yao, J.; Takas, N.J.; Schliefert, M.L.*; Paprocki, D.S.*; Blanchard, P.E.R.; Mar, A.; Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Poudeu, P.F.P.; Aitken, J.A., Physical Review B, 84, 075203. 2011.
  •  “Formation of CuIn1-xAlxSe2 Thin Films Studied by Raman Scattering”, Olejníček, J.; Kamler, C.A.; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L.; Slaymaker, L.E.*; Vandeventer, A.R.*; Ianno, N.J.; Soukup, R.J. Thin Solid Films, 519, 5329-5334 (2011). 

Recent Presentations

  1. “Non-vacuum Preparation of WSe2 thin films 通过 使用化学浴法制备的水合氧化钨的硒化," Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Falconer, M.E.*; Blum, J.R.*; Colling, W.M.*; Ianno, N.J. , Materials Research Society Symposium, Phoenix, AZ, April 3-6,
  2. 二苯二烯与六羰基钨反应中一锅快速合成纳米二氧化钛,“布卢姆, J.A.*; Colling, W.M.*; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L. 52nd Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Lawrence, KS, October 19,
  3. 六羰基钨和硒在温和温度下反应生成钨硒纳米晶的化学性质,“冷, W.M.*; Blum, J.A.*; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L. 52nd Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Lawrence, KS, October 19,
  4. 化学浴沉积氧化钨的温和温度硒化制备WSe2薄膜,“驯鹰人, M.E.*; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L. 52nd Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Lawrence, KS, October 19, 2017.
  5. 二氧化硅气凝胶包埋对飞秒激光表面加工铝-1100表面润湿性能的影响,“埃维里特, K.R.*; Tanbouza-Husseini, A.*; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L.; Peng, E.; Shield, J.E.; Bell, R.B.; Zuhlke, C.A.; Alexander, D.A. 52nd  Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Lawrence, KS, October 19,
  6. 飞秒激光加工铝-1100表面润湿行为的操纵 通过 含长链烷基或氟烷基取代基的硅烷涂层”,Tanbouza-Husseini, A.*; Everitt, K.R.*; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L. 52ndMidwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Lawrence, KS, October 19,
  7. “酸性催化剂对环境干燥二氧化钛气凝胶制备的影响”,Hansen, L.M.*; Darveau, S.A.; Exstrom, C.L. 52nd Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Lawrence, KS, October 19,

Recent and Ongoing Projects

Characterization of Novel Thin Films for Use in Solar Cells:
In collaboration with Christopher Exstrom from 365体育, 来自UNL电气工程系的Natale Ianno和Rodney Soukup说, 我们正在研究非晶硅薄膜的光学特性, silicon-germanium alloys, germanium-carbide alloys, copper indium selenide family, iron pyrite and now tungsten selenide.  我们希望创造出太阳能转换的高效材料.

我们有高分辨率表面拉曼显微镜的能力, X-Ray Powder diffraction (XRD), 轮廓测定法, ICP-OES, 矫正性大动脉转位, and visible spectroscopies, atmosphere controlled annealing and reactivity, thin-film metal plasma sputtering, and supercritical carbon dioxide drying. 这些技术使我们能够了解我们创造的材料的组成和行为. 我们的许多方法都集中在制造纳米颗粒前体的方法上. Exstrom's Research) that can be annealed to create thin films.

Major Funded Research Grants

  1. “基于硒化钨的下一代光伏太阳能电池的开发”,” $175,000, University of Nebraska Foundation, 2016-2018.
  2. 热管理系统的飞秒激光表面处理的高永久性仿生微/纳米结构表面,” $90,369, NASA Nebraska Space Grant Program (NASA-EPSCoR). 2014-2017
  3. 内布拉斯加州研究计划“纳米级成像:利用新的低压电子显微镜技术加强物理和生命科学领域的材料科学研究和教育”, $286,610, July 2011-June 2012.
  4. “纳米复合功能材料研究中心,”$312,990,内布拉斯加州EPSCoR (NSF-RII), 2010-2015.
  5. “Satellite Contaminant Materials Program”, 斯科特Darveau and Chris Exstrom, University of Nebraska at Kearney.  $134,523 subcontract from UNL, NASA, 2008-2011.
  6. “CIBS Solar Cell Development”, Chris Exstrom and 斯科特Darveau, University of Nebraska at Kearney; Rodney Soukup and Natale J. Ianno, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Funded by U.S. Department of Energy, $936,000, 2008-2011
  7. 一种用于高效太阳能电池的新型宽带隙半导体材料.” Rodney Soukup and Natale J. Ianno, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Chris Exstrom and 斯科特Darveau, University of Nebraska at Kearney. Funded by Nebraska Research Initiative. $299,790. 2006-2008
  8. “Development of CIBS Solar Cells,” Chris Exstrom and 斯科特Darveau, University of Nebraska at Kearney; Rodney Soukup and Natale J. Ianno,内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,美国能源部资助,77万美元,2006-2008
  9. “卓越的多校区可再生能源实验室:高性价比的太阳能电池”.” Chris Exstrom and 斯科特Darveau, University of Nebraska at Kearney; Rodney Soukup and Natale J. lanno, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Funded by Nebraska Research Initiative. $303,255.00. 2002-2006