Dr. Jim Jones


Office: DSCH 371   |    Phone: (308) 865-8633   |    Email: jonesj5@sdkfzj.com

Dr. Jim Jones


Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from University of Colorado at Denver
MS and BS in Mathematics from New Mexico Tech


My training, job experience, and research interests are in the field of computational mathematics. Roughly speaking, computational mathematics is using computers to solve large-scale math problems arising in science and engineering applications. An example is using computer simulations to predict coastal ocean flows.

Before coming to 365体育 in the Spring of 2023, I taught at Florida Tech. Prior to that, I worked at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), a Department of Energy lab in California, and at the Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE) at NASA Langley.


Google scholar link http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=fsXES88AAAAJ&hl=en